Sunday, December 7, 2014



ADB-Asian Development Bank/African Development Bank.
AEC-Atomic Energy Commission.
AFC-Asian Football Confederation.
AFP-Agency France Press.
AFTA-Asian Free Trade Area.
AI-Amnesty International.
AIR-All India Radio.
AIT-Asian Institute of Technology.

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ANC-African National Congress.
ANZUS-Australia, New Zealand and United States Defence Pact.
APEC-Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation.
APP-Associated Press of Pakistan.
AP-Associated Press.
ARF-ASEAN Regional Forum.
ASEAN-Association of South East Asian Nations.
ASPAC-Asian and Pacific Council.
BBC-British Broadcasting Corporation.
BIMSTEC-Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multispectral Technical and Econonic Co-operation.
BIS-Bank of International Settlement.
BLEU-Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union.
BP-British Petrolium.
BSEC-Organization of Black Sea Economic Co-operation.
BSF-Border Security Force.(ভারতের সীমান্তরক্ষী বাহিনী)
CARICOM-Caribbean Community.
CASTASIA-Conference on the Application of Science and Technology in Asia.
CBI-Central Bureau of Investigation.
CDB-Caribbean Development Bank.
CENTO-Central treaty Organization.
CIA-Central Intelligence Agency.
CIS-Commonwealth of Independent States.
CIRDAP-Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the pacific.
CAN-Central News Agency.
CNN-Cable News Network.
COE-Council of Europe.
CP-Colombo Plan.
CPA-Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
CSTO-Collective Security Treaty Organization.
CTBT-Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-an Treaty.
DV-Diversity Visa.
EBRD-European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
EC- European Commission./ European Community.
ECM- European Common Market.
ECOSOC- Economic and Social council.
EFTA- European Free Trade Association.
EIB- European Investment Bank.
EP- European Parliament.
ESA- European Space Agency.
ESCAP-Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
ESRO- European Space Research Organization.
EU- European Union.
FAO-Food and Agricultural Organization.
FBA-fellow of British Academy.
FBI-Federal Bureau of Investigation.
FIFA-Federation de International Football Association.
GATT-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
GTN- Global Trade and Technology Network.
GCC- Gulf Co-operation Council.
GEMS- Global Environment Monitoring System.

HDI-Human Development Index.
IAEA-International Atomic Energy Commission.
IBRD- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
ICAO- International Civil Aviation Organization.
ICC- International Criminal Court./ International Cricket Council./International Chamber of Commerce.
ICD- International Classification of Disease.
ICJ- International Court of Justice.
ICRC- International Committee of Red Cross.
ICSID- International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.
IDA- International Development Association.
IDB-Islamic Development Bank.
IFAD- International Fund for Agricultural Development.
IFC- International Finance Corporation.
IFSTAD-Islamic Federation for Science, Technology and Development.
ILO- International Labor Organization.
IMF- International Monetary Fund.
IMO- International Maritime Organization./ International Meteorological Organization./ International Mathematical Olympiad.
INSTRAW- International Research and Training Institute For the Advancement of Women.
INTERPOL- International Police Organization.
IOC- International Olympic Committee.
IOJ- International Organization of Journalists.
IOM- International Organization of Migration.
IPCC-Inter Government Panel on Climate Changs.
IRA-Irish Republican Army.
IRDB- International Rural Development Board.
IRRI- International Rice Research Institute.
ISBN- International Standard Book Number (বই প্রকাশনা সম্পর্কিত)
ISI-Inter-Service Intelligence.
ISPSP- International States Parliament for Safety and Peace.
ISS- International Space Station.
ISO- International Organization for Standardization.
ITLOS- International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.
ITC- International Trade Centre.
ITO- International Telecommunication Organization.
IWMI- International Water Management Institute.
JICA-Japan International Co-operation Agency.
JKLF-Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front.
LDCS-Least Developed Countries.
LTTE-Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.
MFA-multi Fiber Agreement.
MFN-Most Favored Nation.
MIGA-Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.
MNLF-Moro National Liberation Front.
MQM-Mohajir Qaumi Movement.
MRTA-Tupak Amaru Revolutionary Movement.
NAFTA-North American Free Trade Agreement.
NAM-Non-Aligned Movement.
NASA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
NID-National Democratic Institute.
NNPT-Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
NTBT-Nuclear Test Ban Treaty .
OAS-Organization of American States.
OAU- Organization of Afrecan Unity.
OECD- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
OECS- Organization of Eastern Caribbean States.
OEEC- Organization of European Economic Co-operation.
OIC- Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
OPCW- Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
OPEC- Organization of Petroleum Exporting
PEN-Poets, Essayist, Novelists (International Association for writes)
PLO-Palestine Liberation Organization.
PLA-People’s Liberation Army.
RA-Royal Academy.
RAW-Research and Analysis Wing.
RFSA-Russian Federal Space Agency.
SAARC-South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation.
SAFTA-South Asian Free Trade Area.
SADC-Southern African Development Community.
SAPTA-SAARC Preferential Trade Agreement. SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement.
SAIC- SAARC Agricultural Information Center. 
SCC- SAARC Cultural Centre.
SCZMC- SAARC Costal Zone Management Centre.
SDC- SAARC Documentation Centre.
SDMC- SAARC Disaster Management Center.
SEC- SAARC Energy Center.
SFC- SAARC Forestry Centre.
SRDC- SAARC Human Resources Development Centre.
SIC- SAARC Information Center.
SMRC- SAARC Meteorological Research Center.
STC- SAARC Tuberculosis Centre.
SDR- Special Drawing Right.
SCO- Shanghai Co-operation Organization.
SALT-Strategic Arms Limitations Talks.
START- Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.
SDI- Strategic Defence  Initiative.
TI- Transparency International.
TWA- Trans World Airlines.
TRIPS- Trade related aspects of intellectual property rights.  
UAE-United  Arab Emirates.
UK- United Kingdom.
ULFA- United Liberation Front of Asom.
UN- United Nations.
UN-HHABITAT- United Nations Human Settlements Programme.
UN-INSTRAW- United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women.
UNAT- United Nations Administrative Tribunal.
UNCED- United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.
UNCHS- United Nations Centre for Human Settlements.
UNCLOS- United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea.
UNCST- United Nations Conference on Science and Technology.
UNCTAD- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
UNDP- United Nations Development Programme.
UNDRO- United Nations Disaster Relief Organization.
UNEDC- United Nations Economic and Development Commission.
UNEP- United Nations Environment Programme.
UNESCAP- United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific.
UNESCO- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
UNFCCC- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
UNFPA- United Nations Population Fund.
UNGA- United Nations General Assembly.
UNHCR- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
UNIC- United Nations Information for Refugees.
UNICEF- United Nations Children Fund.
UNIDIR- United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research.
UNIDO- United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
UNIFEM- United Nations Development Fund For Women.
UNIMOG- United Nations International Military Observation Group.
UNTTA- United Nations For the total Independence of Angola.
UNITAR- United Nations Institute for Training and Research.
UNRISD- United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
UNRRA- United Nations relief and Rehabilitation Administration.
UNSC- United Nations Security Council.
UNSSC- United Nations System Staff College.
UNU- United Nations University.
UNV- United Nations Volunteers.
UNWCED- United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development.
USA- United States of America.
USAID-United States Agency for International Development.
WB-World bank.
WFP-World Food Programme.
WHO- World Health Organization.
WIPO- World Intellectual Property Organization.
WMD-Weapon of mass destruction. (গন বিধ্বংসী অস্ত্র)
WMF-World Wildlife Fund.
WTC- World Trade Center.
WTO- World Trade Organization/World Tourism Organizatiion.

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